Showing 1 - 25 of 48 Results
Workers of the World: Essays Toward a Global Labor History (Studies in Global Social History) by Marcel Van Der Linden ISBN: 9789004184794 List Price: $61.00
Coolies, Capital and Colonialism Studies in Indian Labour History by Behal, Rana P., van der Lin... ISBN: 9780521699747 List Price: $44.00
Beyond Marx : Confronting Labour-History and the Concept of Labour with the Global Labour-Re... by Linden, Marcel van der, Rot... ISBN: 9789004231344 List Price: $206.00
Workers' Movement in the United States, 1879-1885 by Waltershausen, August Sarto... ISBN: 9780521026086 List Price: $53.00
New Methods for Social History by Griffin, Larry, Van der Lin... ISBN: 9780521655996 List Price: $43.00
Revolutionary Syndicalism An International Perspective by Van der Linden, Marcel, Tho... ISBN: 9780859678155 List Price: $59.95
Formation of Labour Movements, 1870-1914 An International Perspective by Van der Linden, Marcel, Roj... ISBN: 9789004092761 List Price: $410.00
The End of Labour History? (International Review of Social History Supplements) by Marcel van der Linden ISBN: 9780521467230 List Price: $49.99
Internationalism in the Labour Movement 1830-1940 Contributions to the History of Labour and... by Van Holthoon, Frits, Van de... ISBN: 9789004085558 List Price: $343.00
Workers of the World: Essays toward a Global Labor History by Linden, Marcel van der ISBN: 9789004166837
"Peripheral" Labour? Studies in the History of Partial Proletarianization by Amin, Shahid, Van der Linde... ISBN: 9780521589000 List Price: $36.99
Mutualist Microfinance Informal Savings Funds from the Global Periphery to the Core? by De Swaan, Abram, Van Der Li... ISBN: 9789052601830 List Price: $34.95
De-Industrialization Social and Cultural, and Political Aspects by Altena, Bert, Van der Linde... ISBN: 9780521532167 List Price: $41.00
Humanitarian Intervention and Changing Labor Relations : The Long-term Consequences of the A... by Van Der Linden, Marcel ISBN: 9789004188532 List Price: $183.00
Capitalism : The Reemergence of a Historical Concept by Kocka, J�rgen, Linden, Marc... ISBN: 9781350061552
Free and Unfree Labour The Debate Continues by Brass, Tom, Van der Linden,... ISBN: 9783906756875 List Price: $78.95
Rise and Development of Collective Labour Law by Linden, Marcel van der, Pri... ISBN: 9783906760360 List Price: $78.95
Transnational Labour History: Explorations (Studies in Labour History) by Marcel Van Der Linden ISBN: 9780754630852 List Price: $134.95
ber Marx hinaus by Karl Heinz Roth Marcel van ... ISBN: 9783935936804
On Coerced Labor : Work and Compulsion after Chattel Slavery by van der Linden, Marcel M., ... ISBN: 9789004316379 List Price: $175.00
Handbook Global History of Work by van der Linden, Marcel, Hof... ISBN: 9783110428353
Class and Other Identities Gender, Religion, and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labor ... by van Voss, Lex Heerma, Van d... ISBN: 9781571817877 List Price: $69.95
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